Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ho Hum

Not much of a post today as we spent most of the day trying to locate some important papers that have mysteriously disappeared.  When we moved out of the house and into the trailer, we were careful to keep track of anything that was important.  So how can a piece of paper disappear in a trailer that only has 272 square feet?  Beats me, but we never did find the stuff.  We decided to relax today and attempt to find the papers tomorrow.  Sure, never do today what you can put off until tomorrow!  We went into Junction City to the free BBQ lunch sponsored by a local rv dealer.  Lunch was so-so, but the people involved with putting it on were very nice.

The weather has been wonderful in Harrisburg/Junction City today.  In the high 80's during the day to low 50's at night.  What a wonderful, agriculture based area of Oregon! Late this evening, we saw this cloudy moon....check it out!

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