Monday, February 4, 2013

Cactus in the Rear View

We left Organ Pipe Cactus National Park this morning early.  This sunrise greeted us as we prepared to leave:

After a leisurely breakfast and coffee on the "patio", we left for Tucson.  The road we took, Hwy 86, meanders northeast through several native american reservations and across some of the most desolate country I've ever seen.  The only activity seems to be at the Border Patrol checkpoints that are spaced every 20 miles or so, and along the road, where BP agents are patrolling with horses and ATVs.  We spoke with several agents and they indicated that they are "not falling asleep out here".  I suspect that there is more activity than they let on.

Cruising into southern Tucson, we realized that we should find a place to stay.  Out come the smart phones, and soon we had a lead on a casino that allows overnight rv parking.  The Casino Del Sol was right along our route, so we checked it out and found a huge parking lot with at least 3 dozen rv's of all sizes and types.  Slideouts were extended, generators were running, satellite antenna were set up, chairs were set up: I tell you it was just like in an official rv park, except for the cost.  I'll try to get some pix tomorrow.  I didn't have time today because we went shopping at Costco and PetSmart.

One thing we did have time to do was go into the casino and rent our space via buying dinner.  Donna and I both choose the all-you-can-eat prime rib and taco dinner.  Seems like an odd combo, but it was delicious!

Of course we had to finish it off by sharing an order of Sopapillas!

So much for the healthy lifestyle!  Well, I'm sure that we'll do better tomorrow....oh, we've already made plans for breakfast in the casino (can you say chicken fried steak or biscuits and gravy?), with a cup of Starbucks to go.  Ok, we'll promise to do better the day after tomorrow, ok?

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