Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Indianapolis, Indiana

After negotiating a narrow, tree lined track out of the Jonesburg Gardens RV Park this morning, collecting some new scratches and a lot of mud on the way, we climbed back onto our friend, Interstate 70, and continued our journey east. Frankly, we couldn't get out of that park fast enough, and so were anxious also to exit Missouri!

Zipping through St Louis, crossing the Mississippi River, we soon found ourselves in Illinois and settled in for a long boring drive east. Three hundred miles from our starting point, having passed through Effingham and Terra Haute, we crawled into Indianapolis....literally. We had the bad luck to hit the metro right at the evening commute time; throw in a couple of accidents and some really stupid drivers, and it took us an hour to navigate our way through town!

We finally reached our destination, a KOA park in Greenfield, IN. This park is remarkably superior to most KOA parks; we have stayed here in the past and noticed several improvements. Our friends Roger and Mary and Donna and I are located in a couple of "buddy" sites where we can enjoy a door to door location with a large concrete patio in the center! Nice!

A long, three hundred forty seven mile, eight hour drive brought us to a comfortable park. We are planning to stay for three nights to check out a couple of local sights.

We were greeted by this wonderful evening sky, so we have confidence that it will be a great visit!

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