Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hot Vegas, Nevada

 And I’m not talking about the gambling! It was 110 when we pulled into Sams Town KOA in Las Vegas, at about 2:00 pm, site 319.

We knew when we left Kanab that our destination would be hot, but we didn’t want this! 

The drive out of Utah took us into northern Arizona, then back into Utah, back to Arizona, and then finally into Nevada. The scenery in southern Utah and northern Arizona is impressive, but not breathtaking like it was in Torrey or Kanab!

If we can stand it, we’ll be in Las Vegas for three nights. This was supposed to be a placeholder where we could do some laundry and have a couple of nice dinners, but we may stay indoors for 72 hours! Well, hunger got the best of us. Uber’ed for dinner across town at Mandalay Bay. Extraordinary burger at an upscale Wahlburgers, even though it was a little pricey!

Next day: AC’s on all night. Warmest day of the week, 112 deg. Inside most of the day. Uber’ed for dinner at New York, New York. Il Fornaio, always a favorite.

Second day: much cooler, at 107. Laundry, groceries and truck fuel. Prep for tomorrow’s escape. Uber’ed to the Palazzo for a coal fired pizza at Grimaldi’s. One of the best pizza restaurants in recent memory.

Outta here. Going to cooler climes….

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