Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Santa Paula, California

 Bakersfield, CA, is about midstate, and we needed to go south to a little town where we grew up and where some family still lives. The route south got us onto Interstate 5, and took us up and over a mountain range where the road is nicknamed “The Grapevine” because of the twists, turns, and drastic elevation changes. At one point we saw a small brushfire along the side of the northbound lanes. Fortunately, as you can see, we were traveling south.

The traffic jam stretched for ten miles as multiple fire crews and helicopters battled the blaze. We cruised by, and soon checked into our home for three nights, Kenney Grove Park, a part of the Ventura County Parks system. Site 59 is one of the few large enough for our rv, and boasts full hookups. It was a bit rustic, and infested with ants, but the location allowed us to conveniently visit family.

Reluctantly leaving, we got back onto Interstate 5, this time heading north and the end of our summer travels. At approximately the same place as the fire had occurred, as we drifted along talking about our family, the places we visit this summer, and the price of tomatoes in St Louis, we heard a tremendous bang  and the truck and the trailer suddenly swerved into an adjacent lane. Loud banging and slapping noise continued as we slowly, and under control, moved to the side of the road. They just don’t make ‘em like they used to!

So, a couple of hours later, with the help of a very nice AAA tow truck driver, and an extremely nice member of the California Highway Patrol, we were back on the road, a little the worse for wear! Of course, the rest of the trip was stressful, waiting for another tire to pop! But all is well, and we made the return trip successfully. Thanks again to the men who helped us, and the hundreds of 18 wheeler drivers who gave us as much room as they could for our repair.

The trip is complete. Fourteen thousand three hundred miles on the truck, seven thousand seven hundred on the trailer, and just under a thousand gallons of fuel at a cost of just over three thousand dollars wraps it up. We’ve seen some stuff, eaten some stuff, and vowed never to return to some stuff, but have enjoyed the experience.

Till next time……!

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