Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Short Stay Ends

We moved today to another RV park in Everett, WA.  The park we were staying in was booked for the remainder of the week, so we moved to Lakeside RV Park on Hwy 99 in Everett.  This is a nice, clean older park with a number of residents that spend the entire summer season here.  The roads are a bit tight, and the sites are a bit narrow, but they are long enough for Nessie, so that's all that matters.  We arrived at 11:00 am, the indicated time for the site to be vacated, and of course it was not.  So we waited a bit, idling in back of the then current resident, and eventually he packed up and vacated.  As soon as we could, we set up and split for Verna's, because we knew she was making Norwegian waffles for us for lunch.  It is after all, all about the food....

The afternoon with Verna went by all too quickly, talking about old times, old people, and young children.  True to her roots, Verna insisted on fixing us dinner.  This is a woman who can just barely lift a pan onto the stove, but she sets about fixing a complete dinner.  Amazing.  We had poached freshly caught wild salmon with sour cream and dill, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, and cabbage salad with local fruit.  Then she served home made strawberry pie and coffee for dessert.  Oh Boy...

I would have some pics of all the food, but I was so excited to eat that I forgot.  Sorry.

After a bit of after dinner conversation while doing the dishes, we had to say goodbye. Verna is going to Bainbridge Island and the Olympic Peninsula tomorrow with a group of friends to a music festival, and we're heading east, so our visit must end.  We plan to come back again next year, if not sooner, because Verna is an extraordinary woman.  Sharp as a tack, witty, and humorous, she sets a great example of "going with the flow".  Nothing seems to faze her, and she laughs off the aches and pains that she experiences every day.

Verna's back yard is typical of this part of Washington State:

There's a green belt behind her house, complete with a complement of animals: 'coons, 'possums, and rabbits and such.  I was fascinated with the swirling, droopy limbs on this seems so relaxed!

A bit of sadness today, and a bit of anticipation for the future.  Rest assured that when we come to a fork in the road, we'll take it.  Thank you Mary Englebreit.

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