Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A New Experience

Donna and I found ourselves with an unplanned day today.  We're waiting for some repair parts to arrive for our awning arms. The arms have little wheels that roll up and down as the electric awning is extended and retracted, and a couple of the wheels have decided not to roll anymore.  There is an awning repair facility here that will do mobile work, and so they're scheduled to come out on Wednesday afternoon and replace the rollers. This is a job that I would normally do, but the awning is under warranty and the repair cost will be paid by the manufacturer.

In any case, we decided to take a ride on our bicycles into the RV Show. By now you know that we're in the desert, with no improvements, and certainly no roads. So we had the unique experience (for us) of doing some offroad biking. Donna was a bit concerned because her bike isn't really set up for dirt and rocks, but she did a fantastic job of navigating over hill and dale (and through the rocks and gravel).

Here's Donna at the Show!

As you can see, the crowds are still coming into the Tent!

The bike ride was 6.5 miles round trip, and very enjoyable on a warm Arizona day!

After an afternoon nap we enjoyed a beautiful sunset:

And then went into town for taco tuesday at Taco Mio!  All the exercise and desert air makes a person hungry, don't you know!  Sorry about the two bites out of the first taco, I couldn't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Who in their right mind eats both ends of a taco toward the middle?? I think someone has spent too much time in the desert!! What's next the knitted sock thong??
