Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Two Birthdays Today!

Hopefully, that's it for awhile!

Today is the birthday of Teresa and Monte, who coincidently are the parents of our granddaughters Olivia and Emily.

Teresa is truly a girl of the 21st century.  She is an avid outdoors-woman, hiking, biking and jogging whenever possible. She spent her day today snowshoeing in the Sierra Nevada mountains near Lake Tahoe, California!  She is an RN, specializing in Neo-Natal Intensive Care, supervises two daughters, 3 dogs and a cat, and has time to ride her Vespa to the local coffee shop from time to time! Oh, to be young again!

Monte is in sales, and has just earned a top award that includes a week long trip to a resort in the Caribbean for him and Teresa.  He has a keen interest in sporting events of all kinds, and follows teams religiously. He travels a great deal supervising local sales teams, but is always home on weekends to be with the family.

Donna and I are blessed to have Teresa and Monte in our family.


 And a pic of Monte helping Teresa at Emily's Birthday Party:

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