Friday, January 25, 2013

An Old Friend

The forecast has been for rain today in Yuma.  The concept is a bit foreign, given the terrain in this area, but that's what the weather 'cast has been saying for several days.  We decided to hang local today, catch up on some grocery shopping and laundry, and see what happened.

Our first stop this morning was for breakfast at a restaurant chain that we miss in California:

Nothing quite like an old fashioned breakfast to get the day off to a good start!  Eggs, thick sliced bacon, potatoes, grits, and biscuits and gravy.  Oh yeah!  Donna had a more sane breakfast, I must admit, and felt much better for it.

Our next adventure was to stop at an indoor marketplace (read flea market).  We have just about had our fill of this kind of thing, but we heard that the entry fee always goes to a local charity and that today the local SPCA got the money.

Most of the vendors catered to snowbirds with rv related items, jewelry, and inexpensive tools and housewares.  Same stuff that we've seen before in Quartzsite, and in fact some of the same vendors!

At about one this afternoon, the skies opened up, and as I write this it is still raining hard some 9 hours later.  We've found out this afternoon as we shopped for fruit and vegetables that this area is a huge agricultural area and grows a tremendous amount of row crops: lettuce, carrots, lettuce, parsley and the like.  They even have a tourist industry that revolves around agriculture, where tours are conducted into the fields and visitors are allowed to pick vegetables.  Sounds like pretty cheap labor to me.  Anyway, the rain will be much appreciated by the farmers in the area, I'm sure.

Oh, yeah....and the laundry?  $21 and 4 hours later, we got it all done.  What a lovely way to while away the afternoon.

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