Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Out With the Old and in with the New

Today was a day for laundry and chores in preparation for the next leg of our current journey.

The day started with a trip to the only laundromat available for a community of 5000 and another 1000 or so snowbirds.  The facility had 6 washing machines and 6 working dryers.  By the time we left 2 hours later, there were people waiting in line, people trying to ignore the line, and people (like us) just happy to escape with our lives.

When we got back to the RV, Donna spent 3 hours vacuuming, scrubbing, organizing, and packing because tomorrow we will be leaving balmy Borrego Springs (current temp at 10:30pm is 55 F on its' way to 34) for a stint of boondock camping in an area where the temps will range between 24 at night and 45 in the daytime.  I wonder why we're doing this.....

One of the things we needed to do was to remove all of the holiday decorations and pack them away:

Well, that didn't take long.

So then we had to put up all the "everyday" decorations:

Now, lest you think that it's a very cold chicken being subjected to inhumane treatment, be aware that this is our token indoor flamingo, and was made by a dear friend and neighbor so that we can be reminded of the lighter side of life. We have flamingo water glasses, flamingo notepaper, and flamingo awning lights for the RV.  So you see how it goes.

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