Monday, January 7, 2013

Some Good News, Some Not, But a Nice Day

We had some ups and downs today.  We have been having trouble getting our Dish Tailgater system to operate correctly and consistently since the day after Christmas. Dish sent us a remanufactured receiver, but the system still did not work more than one time out of ten. A call to Dish and we were advised to contact King Controls (the manufacturer of the antenna part of the system), which we did this morning, and were shown by a very courteous tech how the antenna works with the Dish receiver, and how to prove that the antenna was working correctly.  It was operating correctly. Then we called Dish RV again to review, and were told by a very rude "James" in Virginia that Dish had done all that they would do, and that we should call King Controls again because Dish had already sent us a reman receiver, and that's all that they would do.
So much for customer service.  My advice?  Do your homework diligently before investing a great deal of money on this system. At least as far as the programming is concerned.

On an up note, we had a bit of difficulty with our BigFoot RV Leveling System in that the rear jacks all of a sudden refused to retract.  A quick call to Quadra Manufacturing and we have 2 small parts on the way.  This IS customer service!

We continued our tour of the Quartzsite flea markets today.  The top pic shows an eagle windsock with a fish in its claws.  Awesome! We're about to the end of the vendors, until next week of course, when a whole new group shows up for the RV show.  Most of the vendors that are here now will stay.  We've talked to a number of vendors that indicate that business is down 40 to 50% this year over last.  Most of the RV parks in town that are booked months in advance are still showing vacancies, and vendors are discounting drastically.  A sign of the times.

Of course we had to eat, so a bag of caramel and cheddar Kettle Korn followed by a scoop of Chocolate Malt Crunch ice cream filled the bill and our stomachs!

The evening was finished off with a fire and a spectacular view of the night sky! Donna looks a bit chilly, eh?  It's supposed to get down to the mid thirties tonight, and down to the high 20's in a couple of nights.  Oh, boy!  Why again did we leave Cally?

1 comment:

  1. Like we have said many times it wouldn't be camping without an issue or two, or in your case three or four but who is counting. By the looks of the food the eatin is good!!
