Wednesday, April 8, 2020

SIP Continues

The Benson routine hasn't changed much since I last posted. Stay home. Stay away from people. Wear masks and gloves. Watch too much tv. Eat too much. Worry about the fam. Worry about the people in New York, New Jersey, New Orleans, Detroit......I'm gonna have to quit watching the news.

On a brighter note, the wind has picked up in southeastern Arizona; it's blowing about 30 mph today with gusts to 40. The temp is in the high 70's. Maybe that will blow all those little bugs away! You know....Look on the bright side! I've been outside once today, to take the Princess on a walk. Sasha has been doing the forth and back to the dog park so often that I believe I could delete the leash and she would find her way! She does love to have her "ball time" in the morning and afternoon.

The day after tomorrow is my Mom's 100th birthday! The world health situation has put a bit of a damper on the party, but we believe we've found a way to do a family video chat. That should be fun! Mom received a congratulatory letter from the White House, so that, along with a few gifts and some family time will hopefully be ok. Mom's a trooper, so she understands the situation.

While on a walk, we saw a bloomin' cactus with a mother Morning Dove firmly sitting on her nest! She has a perfect spot, surrounded by sharp protection!

And, from our daughter in NorCal, a picture of a beautiful daffodil! Spring has sprung!

Finally, along with hundreds of thousands of our closest friends and neighbors, here we sit, feeling a little helpless as our nurses, doctors, and First Responders do battle in the hospitals. We can't forget the truck drivers, grocery store clerks, and farm workers who continue to supply our food. This is getting a little ridiculous, but for all that we think we are being disturbed, there are millions who have it worse. Be thankful and pray for them.