Sunday, October 1, 2023

It’s Been a Trip!

 Somehow knowing that there is a home waiting gives a person more freedom to enjoy being away from that home. We have returned to our home, family, and friends, and have begun to settle in after six and a half months of traveling.

Oh, the places we’ve seen, the people we’ve met, and the food we’ve eaten! Southwest beauty (and wind), Southern hospitality (and humidity), Eastern history (and rain), Midwestern agriculture (and hot dishes), and the great vistas of the northern plains have made this venture memorable. We have been so fortunate to renew friendships all across this great country, and we treasure the time we were able to share with our extended family.

There have been some lumps and bumps along the way, of course. But as the Beach Boys sang, “… everything will turn out alright..”, and it did. But not without a bit of character building. All in all, our issues with the trailer have been (mostly) resolved, from the failed brakes in Albuquerque, to the bent axles and failed slide out mechanism in Indiana, we have survived the slings and arrows of rv travel. There are still a few missing nuts and bolts, but now that we’re home we can put things back in order and get ready for the next trip!

Now that we’re home (with the “at home” car tucked in), we have a moment to debrief.

19,751 miles on the truck.

10,954 miles on the trailer.

We’ve stayed in 53 rv parks or overnight locations, ranging in price from $0 to $80 a night. $50 to $60 seems to be the average these days.

Spent $4935.71 on fuel.

Had the truck serviced 3 times.

And the cost of eating out? Impossible to tell.

It’s been an interesting trip, one we’ve been calling our Farewell Tour. But now that it’s over we think we may just do a Come Back Tour next year!

Thanks for riding along with us!