Sunday, March 3, 2013

What a Ride!

No pictures today. We've completed our winter southwest trip and are now home in Northern California.  Mixed feelings, of course, because we enjoyed the freedom of the road, but we also missed our family and friends.

The wonderful people we've met will never be forgotten:  Jeff and Lynda in Tucson with their new fifth wheel trailer, their new business, and their new life.  Bob and Karyn from Pincher Creek, AB, Canada traveling the lower 48 for the second year of their retirement, and Dale and Jean from Edmonton looking for new places to "quad". Then there was Jay and Linda that travel from Yuma to Minnesota to Utah following the nice weather with their Boston Terrier "Hank".  Jim and Jane from Lindstrom, MN have a fifth wheel exactly like ours and we passed a few hours talking "RV's". Bob and Kaye from Boise in their extraordinary new motor coach shared many stories with us.  And, of course, there was Larry and Judy, whom we met in Yuma, who turned out to be friends of friends and who live just 50 miles from us when they are not wintering in the southwest.

We pulled the trailer 2,835 miles, and drove the truck 4.645 miles.  We have a few new scrapes and dents on both of them, as well as on ourselves, but, with all the ups and downs, we wouldn't trade it for a moment! It's been quite a ride!

We will be home until at least June, 2013.  For those of you who check in from time to time, thank you for your support.  Don't forget where the blog lives, and check back in a few months.  Our next trip is outlined to be into Oregon, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, and south into Texas before returning to Cali for the Holidays in November.

See you then!

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