Saturday, July 20, 2013

On the road again (apologies to Willie)

After roughly 4 months at home, we're back on the road, heading north from Sacramento CA.  We've completed the task of moving out of our home, remodeling it to better suit our daughter and her family, packing all of our "important" stuff and putting it in storage, and hooking up the fifth wheel and skeedaddling out of town.

We got up a bit early (for us) at 4:30 this morning.  A quick trip down the street to Starbucks for coffee and back to say goodbye to our family.  After a few tears and several hugs we hit the road at 6:15.  A leisurely drive north on I-5 for 261 miles got us to downtown, metropolitan Weed, CA.  Now I don't know what the history of Weed is, or how the town came to be named as it is, but they do have one thing that no other town has:

Mt. Lassen!  Imagine waking up to this view every day!

We had a bit of an electrical wiring problem with the trailer (thank you California freeways), where we broke a wire on an exceptionally large pothole.  A quick trip downtown (about a 1/2 mile one end to the other) yielded some wire and connectors, so an hour or so later we were back in business.  I say that to explain that the people in this town are among the most friendly that we've met in CA. I had directions, recommendations, and offers of help as soon as I explained my predicament.  We are staying overnight at the Trailer Lane RV Park, a small (a dozen or so spaces) place carved out of the trees a 1/4 mile off the freeway.  I wouldn't recommend it to a big rig, but it's great for anything shorter than 40'. The prices are good and the owners very nice.

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