Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Good Friend and Hot Plate Dinner

Donna fixed eggs and sausage for breakfast this morning, so after that wonderful repast we took it slow and easy until about noon.  Then we went to visit an old friend from the seventies, Verna.  She is going on 93 these days and still very spry.  Her wit and wisdom are still sharp and most of all she hasn't lost any of her sense of humor! We visited Verna about a year ago and enjoyed the time with her, so we wanted to drop in and say hi again. As with our last visit, her church, the Faith Lutheran Church in Everett, WA, was having a fun festival, chili cook off, and aerobics class this evening (we always seem to drop in about dinnertime...) The festival part involved the kids doing fun stuff like face painting and games in the sanctuary annex while the adults enjoyed a round of music provided by the pastor (super guitar and mandolin player) and some local college students with their guitars.  One young man played the Appalachian Zither  so well the room went silent when he played "Danny Boy".  I gotta tell you, it brought tears to the eye.

The pastor and friend:

And one of the young guitar players:

The chili cookoff was a series of chilis prepared by the local ladies, and we were supposed to vote for the one we liked best. Guess what?  They all won!  I should tell you that Chili prepared in Northern Washington by Scandinavians has an interesting taste reminiscent of fish....but tasty, mind you.

The meal was well prepared and as you can see, Donna and Verna enjoyed it!

Followed by an ice cream bar:

With just a bit of chocolate on her hand waiting to be licked off!

Oh, yes...the aerobics....

One of the church members, a rotund woman of some 60 years, has evidently decided that her form of worship involves a slow, almost yoga like dance, somewhat like that of a matador, performed in the center of the church or hall, roughly in time to the music.  Now I will be the last person to criticize a person's form of worship, but I did find this performance a bit unusual.  I half expected other members of the group to join in, much like an aerobics class.  I couldn't bring myself to photograph her, so she will forever remain anonymous  to the readers of this blog.  Suffice it to say that the dance provided an interesting accompaniment to the music.  And God Bless her for her courage.

The lovely 80 degree weather is due to change in the next few days.  It rained about a 1/4 inch this evening complete with thunder and lightening.  We're hoping for good weather on Friday, our next travel day.  Tomorrow we must leave Lake Pleasant RV Park because they're booked up for the weekend, and we're moving to another park about 10 miles away for one night.  After that, there is not a single spot available in the entire area, so we're movin' on, hoping that things will be better in Wenatchee, WA.

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