Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hampton County Watermelon Festival

Hampton County, SC, is almost 70 miles due west of Charleston. Our friends Jim and Linda whom we met in Savannah, invited us to join them in the town of Hampton, for the Hampton County Watermelon Festival, so off we went!

Our GPS was programmed with the appropriate address, so what could go wrong? Well....

The GPS was technically correct, this is a county highway. However, it definitely is a road less traveled, and certainly doesn't do a black car any good.

Eventually arriving at our destination, the main street of the town of Hampton, and the county courthouse. The courthouse lawn has been transformed into a city of vendors selling food, clothing, and all manner of crafts.

A vendor had a number of Sweetgrass baskets that she has woven. These baskets have their roots in the Gullah culture of the Low Country, where African, Caribbean, and American black cultures have melded into a unique lifestyle know for using available natural products for beautiful crafts. These baskets retail for hundreds of dollars, and we didn't even ask the price of the dozen roses!

The parade was about three miles long, so we took up "residence" in the chairs that Jim had positioned earlier in the day in a shady spot under some trees.

The local Boy Scouts carried the banner at the head of the parade.

Followed by a military band.

The theme of this years parade was "Honoring our Linemen". A tribute to the men and women that keep our electrical grid in operation with very little recognition. One float had an electrical line with laundry!

And another came complete with a mobile pole and a lineman climbing!

After watching the Watermelon Queen and her court pass by, along with the Watermelon Queens of varying ages and from adjacent towns, we were ready something different!

And the Shriners provided the necessary fun!

A contingent of vintage tractors chugged by...some with signs supporting a favorite sports team.

The local car club was ably represented by several outstanding examples of re-engineering.

Jim and Linda took us to one of their favorite barbecue restaurants, Dukes in Walterboro, South Carolina. The pig out front takes a lot of abuse from tourists, I'm sure!

On the way back to Jim and Linda's home, we took a side trip to "The Pond". This is part of a tract of land passed down through generations of family, and now provides a cool weekend retreat from the daily grind. It's a lovely memorial to the family.

A couple of watermelons, two cantaloupes, and a whole bunch of barbecue later, we were on the way back to Charleston. Jim and Linda's generosity is much appreciated. They provided a cool place for Sasha to stay, boiled peanuts for snacking, and home-grown blueberries! We hope to see them again one day.

It's been quite a day! Anyone can go to a fancy restaurant in Charleston, or visit the historic district, but not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a celebration in a small Low Country town! Good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was worth the dirty drive in! (Especially like the pig!)
