Sunday, February 24, 2013

Drivers and.......Danica?

Sunday dawned cold and windy.  The gust were clocked at 30+ by the local weather, so we decided to stay in and do something we've never done before: watch an entire Nascar racing event from start to finish.  The hype today was all about Danica Patrick and her number 1 position at the start of the Daytona 500. While Donna and I were rooting for her, the amount of talent and experience in the field did not give us much confidence, and in fact, on the last lap of the race, her inexperience led her to a bad track position and the field drove right past her.  She went from 3rd to 8th in seconds.

With just seconds to go, Danica was in 3rd place as you can see in the pic above where she's driving the green GoDaddy car.  We were hopeful that she would finish "on the podium", but no such luck. Danica ran a good race today, and given her penchant for crashing into things, she ran a conservative and safe race.  I believe she earned some respect today, and will continue to perform well in the sport.

The race was over about 2:30pm Pacific Time, so we took Pris for a brief walk and then drove into town for a cup of coffee at Off 160, our favorite coffee house.  A quick 2 for 1 dinner at the Nugget and back home to watch the incredibly narcissistic Academy Awards.  Good on "Lincoln", but who's "Pi"?

The wind has stopped this evening, and it's crisp and cold outside.  The promise is for good weather tomorrow, and if so, we'll get out and about.  Today's wind made us want to just hunker down and hide inside.

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