Sunday, February 10, 2013

Go West Young.....

After 3 days and 4 nights in blustery Las Cruces, we've started the trek west toward home.  The weather was cold in New Mexico last night, so we had to disconnect our water hose.  The temp was 28 when we got up this morning, but had risen to 39 by the time we left at 10 am.  We bucked a 14 to 18 mph headwind all day driving to Tucson, so it was a slow, tough drive.

Pris had a rough day as well.  She was startled by the sounds of Willie Nelson singing "Condition" when Donna plugged her phone into the truck radio just outside of Deming, NM, and started hyperventilating.  By the time we stopped to give her a tranquilizer, she had totally flipped out and the trank didn't work very well.  Another 20 miles down the road we gave her another (as per vet recommendation), and finally she calmed down.  Of course, by then she had already developed a sore throat, so she's been wheezing all afternoon and acting like she's half asleep. Duhhh!

So we arrived at the LazyDays RV park this afternoon about 5.  This is the park that was formerly Beaudry's RV back in the day.  It has deteriorated some, but is still a decent park.  In years past the citrus trees throughout the park were beautiful and lush, but now they're untended, half dead, and partially frozen.  We'll recoup from our recent New Mexican adventure and then head west in a few days.

To give you an idea of what kind of day it was, this is a picture of a very interesting road sign:


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