Tuesday, February 26, 2013

That Kind of Day

It was that kind of day:

The wind blew at a pretty good clip all day today, easing up just after dark.  We spent most of the morning with our coffee and books while Pris threw us a look every now and then; when she could be bothered, that is....

We went into town about noon for some groceries and a stop at the gas station.  The price of diesel has been stable for weeks, but we noticed a slight increase today and decided to top off the tanks before we get on the road in a couple of days.  There is a grocery store chain in Arizona and Nevada called Smiths, and like so many grocery stores these days, they sell gas.  Their prices today were about 10 to 15 cents less than the other stations in town, at 3.99 for diesel, so we went for it.  While at the station, I talked to a fellow who had just driven in from Cali, and told me that diesel was 4.50 there.  I hope that's not true, but I suspect it is.  Welcome to California as the sign says.

We spent the afternoon and evening at a neighbors motorhome.  They have recently purchased it and wanted to show it off. The guy was a banker before he retired, so now I know how he can afford such a rig!  Sorry, I should have said "Motor Coach". Nice  coach and nice people from Boise, Idaho.

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