Sunday, September 22, 2013

Covered Bridges of Carroll County

A gorgeous day today, a bit cool, only in the mid 60's, but wonderful all the same.  We wanted to finish seeing the interesting sights in this area, so we headed off to Flora, IN, and then south to Bolivar where the Adams Mill is open to the public.  This 3 story building, 4 if you count the attic, was a working mill for many years.

The mill is surrounded by beautiful grounds, and in fact, there was a wedding, a church service, and a family picnic held this morning.

Adjacent to the mill is the Adams Mill Covered Bridge, built over the Wildcat River in 1872.

A little farther down the road we came to the Lancaster bridge:

Even though the sign said "Weight Limit 3 tons", we made it over the bridges just fine even though James (our pickup) weighs over 9000 lbs!  I'm glad I didn't see the sign until we were over the bridges...

So after a loop that took us to Flora, Bringhurst, Cutler, Fossville, Owasco, and Pyrmont, we made it back to Delphi late in the afternoon.  In honor of having to pack up tomorrow, Donna "agreed" to dinner out, so we stopped at one of two restaurants open on a Sunday night in Delphi...both are pizza places, and we chose Manicals by a coin toss.  The pepperoni pizza was very good, made Chicago style, and a perfect end to a not-so-stressful day.

Tomorrow we're outta here, heading southwest toward St. Louis.  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures that you sent today are just some of my favorites so far. Reminds me so much of Michigan.

    If you guys continue to have such a great time, I think we'll consider fostering out the kids and joining you!

    Continue to enjoy. We are anxious to have you home.
    S & S
