Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Just a Shower"

The weather was cloudy when we got up this morning, but not raining, so after coffee we took off to Hill Truck Center in Elkhart.  Hill is a Freightliner Repair Facility and authorized to work on motorhome chassis as part of Freightliner's Oasis Network.  We had some minor wheel issues, and Eric in the service department jumped right on it and took Nessie into the "hospital". Donna and I left for breakfast at Cracker Barrel (chicken fried chicken, biscuits and gravy, sausage and know the drill).  An hour later, the skies had opened up and we were smack in the middle of a midwest lightening and thunder storm.

We made our way back to Hill Truck, where Eric had checked out the suspension and pronounced it A-OK, and had made an appt at a tire shop up the street to have the front tires balanced.  Off we went to Carters Tire (still raining and storming) and Shawn took us right in.  We wanted to give his guys a bit of time, so we went to Starbucks for a cuppa java.  After an hour or so, we returned to the tire shop and Shawn and the boys had completely rebalanced the two front tires and found that they had been a few ounces off originally.  They did a dynamic balance and distributed the weight on both sides of the tire instead of just on the inside like they were before.  Freightliner picked up the tab, and we should be good to go.  Eric at Hill has asked us to run Nessie up and down a local road to check the tires and then drop in to his office to finalize the paperwork.

That will have to happen tomorrow morning, because it rained here like I've never seen. All afternoon the lightening and thunder and rain continued.  The roads were rivers and the grass in the rv park is soaked.  The local news has said that it rained over 3 inches today!  Toto, we're not in California anymore!

No pix today due to the weather, but we'll get some tomorrow, as we're heading to a little town with a semi-famous name.

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