Friday, September 27, 2013

St. Louis Ribs

We started our day with a list of chores that needed to be done.  After a few weeks on the road without much TLC, Nessie was beginning to get a little shabby, so Donna jumped into a major housecleaning, floor mopping, dusting, and laundry operation, and I began to do the "outside" stuff: clean the windshield, check air pressure and oil levels, etc, etc. A few hours of that was enough, so we decided to go to Pappy's Smokehouse for an early dinner/late lunch.

The building was rather nondescript, in a well-worn neighborhood of midtown St Louis.  We had intended to take the Metro, but Pappy's is about 8 blocks from the nearest station, and the bus line didn't run very close, so we decided to drive.  Our GPS's preferred route took us out onto some confusing interstate highways, so we elected to stay on surface streets and hope for the best.  It actually was much better except for one section where construction has narrowed the road down to one lane.  That's ONE LANE for BOTH DIRECTIONS!  Which meant that we had to muscle our way through with only inches to spare.  But we made it!

The sign was a little scary, but they knew what they were doing, and this is what we saw inside:

A long line waiting to order.  About half way through the line, a young lady came walking down the line asking for the number of people in each party....she was checking to see how much BBQ they had left, and how many they could serve before the meat ran out.  Just outside the table we chose, a young fellow was tending the smokers.  There were two giant mobile smokers that used Apple and Cherry wood for fuel, and so we thought "hey, no problem, there's plenty of meat", but it turns out he was smokin' for tomorrow already 'cause the meat has to smoke for a long time. In any case, we were lucky, and got our order:

Donna had an order of "Burnt Ends", which is the crisper edges of the meat, with green beans and sweet potatoe fries, and I ordered a half slab of ribs with fried corn on the cob and slaw.  What a treat!  The ribs were done St. Louis/Memphis style, with a dry rub, and various sauces on the side.  The Burnt Ends were like pulled pork and were scrumptious.  We ate the veggies and part of the meat and came home with lunch for tomorrow!

After the food and a nap, it was back to the cleaning.  Moppin' the floor, dustin' the cabinets, and finishin' the laundry took us into the evening.  But now we're ready to see what the 'morrow will bring.

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