Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Almost…..But Not Quite….

Left Polson this morning in a rainstorm so heavy that the windshield wipers on Nessie couldn't keep up. Of course, considering the size of the windshield and the amount of time required to make a pass, I guess it's understandable.  We "enjoyed" rain all the way south to I90 where we turned east again.

We had to get fuel since it had been awhile (as in Oregon on 6/8), so we stopped at a truck stop when we got to the freeway.  Just over a hundred gallons later, and with $398.15 showing on the dial, we were ready to go.  I tried my hardest to get to an even $400, but just couldn't quite do it.

The rain began to let up, leaving behind a dusting of snow on the mountains.

At a rest stop where we stopped for lunch, we noted this sign about the discovery of gold in Montana:

There's a very good reason they call this "Big Sky Country".

Donna spotted this snow covered peak just south of the freeway:

279 miles and 35 gallons of fuel after we left Polson, we pulled into the Sunset Campground in Bozeman, MT.  It's a nice, older park with gravel sites and a bit of grass for a "patio", but it is neat and clean and the staff is very nice.  We are in space 36 of 47, one of the few that will accommodate Nessie without a great deal of fussing.  And we're not into fussing.

After a few minutes setting up, we took a drive into town.  Several reasons for that:  One, Gus was so trashed with road gunk that we couldn't see out the windows, and Two, we wanted to see what Bozeman was all about.  We ended up at the Museum of the Rockies, sponsored by Montana State University, who have a huge campus in Bozeman.  The museum is very nice, with an emphasis on dinosaurs found in the area as well as flora and fauna unique to this area.  They have a couple of unique sculptures outside that we could take pics of, but pictures were verboten inside.

This horse is made of large chain pieces, with the links welded together to look like a shaggy horse.

The dinosaur is made of bronze and is an exact replica of a fossil inside the museum.

We started back to Nessie, taking a long way around and through downtown Bozeman.  On a side street just a block off the main thoroughfare, we found a reminder of Home.  I wonder if Service Electric has gone nationwide? Or global? Perhaps galactic?


  1. Ahhh....rain or no rain, that does look like "the life" to me.

  2. That horse sculpture is amazing...
