Friday, January 4, 2013

A Move and some History

This is the view that greeted us this morning. The sun was bright, the air was crisp, and the birds were chirping. see the bush in the center of the middle photo? That's where we moved the trailer; the light sandy spot just to the left of the bush turned out to be the absolute best camping spot in the entire 11,400 acre LTVA area!  But first we spent 2 hours driving around looking....kinda like placing a picture on a wall.... In all seriousness, the new location is better all around: it's more level and the ground surface is much more user friendly for those of us with walking/seeing issues.

This is the monument dedicated to the mid-eastern person who helped the US Army attempt to establish a camel corps in the southwest in the mid 1800's.  The attempt failed, but the man named "Hi Jolly" is honored with this monument in the local "Boot Hill".

This sign is at one of the entrances to the currently running Gem/Mineral Show in Tyson Wells.  TW is just across the road from "Q", and is one of the most active of the "show" venues.  We haven't had time to explore the shopping yet, but I'm sure it will be starting soon. We drove by the location of the "big tent" that will be going up soon for the RV show.  Paul Evert is sponsoring the show, and so has a huge presence onsite.  They must have 50 top of the line motorhomes (sorry, motor coaches), onsite, with space for more.  The workmen are laying out the artificial grass that will be the floor of the big tent, and it is huge!  We'll get some pix later.

What a place this Quartzsite is!  We found places to buy water (.05 to .25 a gallon).  Holding tank dumping can be had at your site for $30, or in town for $15. I went into the local rent-a-mailbox store to sent a package via UPS. The shipping was prepaid on a returned item, but the proprietress told me that she would have to make a phone call so there would be a $5 processing fee! Ya gotta get it while you can!

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