Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stuff and Dismay

Today was a day to prep for our next move and to feel bad because we forgot a dear friends birthday yesterday.  No excuses, just our bad.  So:

Happy, Happy Birthday, Suzi!!!!!

We spent the day filling propane and water tanks and doing laundry.  We're heading south tomorrow, to an area subject to inconsistent security reports.  In view of that, I replaced all the exterior locks on the trailer with a higher security set of locks.

These locks at least have a different key than the RV standard CH751.  Why the industry continues to put locks in rvs that all use the same key is beyond me.  It must be a matter of cents, 'cause it can't be dollars.

So, we are all cleaned and shined and will be taking the 8:10 from Yuma tomorrow.  We're going to a National Monument called Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. It's located on the US-Mexico border, south of the town of Ajo, AZ.  We'll be out in the middle of nowhere, and so the cell reception will not be very good.  We may not be able to update the blog or get email or play Words with Friends for a few days.  We hope to be back in civilization about Monday or Tuesday, but don't hold us to it.


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