Friday, January 18, 2013

Here We Go!

Tomorrow is the opening day of the Quartzsite Big Tent RV show, and the town is all abuzz.  RV's continue to pour into town, and the roads and traffic reflect that.  I talked to a BLM officer who referred to the traffic jams as the "Quartzsite Shuffle". Very good description.

We strolled through the flea market areas again today, checking out all the new vendors that have set up for the weeks festivities. Didn't find anything that we couldn't live without, but it was great fun to eat cheese curds and watch people!

We spent several hours in the RV's for sale area.  There must be hundreds of motorhomes, trailers, and fifth wheels for sale here.  We took a picture of one of the best:

Yep, that's a VW bus up there! And it has solar, too!

After a long afternoon of talking with rv sales people, we needed a good dinner, and choose the "Q-Town Cafe".  Well worth a visit, if you're in the area.  Gray hair and suspenders for miles.

Tomorrow we'll brave the crowds and visit the Big Tent.  Wish us well.

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