Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Apple Pie and Cold Weather

We took a short jaunt from Anza Borrego State Park to the little town of Julian, in eastern San Diego county.  This area has been known for years for its fruit orchards and has developed as a tourist destination.
The elevation of Julian is 4000+ feet, and this time of year is chilly.  There was snow on the ground and a brisk wind blowing. About 38 deg F at 1 pm.  Along with roughly half of the population of San Diego that must have decided that a piece of apple pie was required eating on 1/1/13! The town is very small, and parking is at a premium.  We poked around for about a 1/2 hour before finding a spot for the pickup.  We got out, bundled up, walked to the Julian Pie Company, saw the line waiting to get in, walked back to the truck and got out of town.  Julian is a quaint, cute little town that is a joy to explore, but not with so many people!  We drove down the hill about 7 miles to San Ysabel and found a satellite store of the Julian Pie Company that wasn't so busy.

I forgot to take a pic of the "Original Apple Pie" with cheddar cheese until I was most of the way through it.  Wonder why?

On the way back to Borrego Springs, we took a side trip into Culp Valley.  This area is known to have supported a large variety of native people as well as homesteaders in years past.  We couldn't resist a little four-wheeling!

The trail was in great shape after the brief rains of a few days ago, but we turned around before completing it because it was getting a bit narrow for a long-legged truck like "James"!  He does real well most of the time, but doesn't like to get hurt!

The panorama pic above is of the Borrego Valley just before we fell off the mountain.  The turnout where we stopped had a sign detailing some of the traits of the local mountain goats.  I was surprised that they can drink up to 4 gallons at one time! Of course we didn't see any in the middle of the day.

Happy New Year!

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