Monday, January 21, 2013

I Tawt I Taw a ....Sock?

While visiting with some new and some old acquaintances yesterday, the subject of what to do in Quartzsite came up. After you've seen the 1000 or so flea market booths, the 5000 or so RV's for sale, and the 10,000 or so items displayed in the Big Tent, what's left?  Turns out the answer is: More than you would imagine.

We were directed to Oasis Books, a weatherbeaten wood structure on Main Street, a goodly distance away from downtown. We could tell from the outside that this bookstore was a bit different.
There was a collection of mismatched dishes inside the outbuilding, and a huge gem collection, but the main attraction turned out to be inside the bookstore.  While perusing an eclectic collection of used and (some new) books, we came across Paul Winer, the proprietor. Now Paul is a one of a kind person in a one of a kind town; as an accomplished pianist and boogie woogie musician, he has a reputation in the music world that is outstanding, but his claim to fame these days is his preference for a knitted sock as his only article of clothing. You'll notice that there is not a picture of Paul, as nice as he seemed to be, because this blog is supposed to be for a family audience. I'll leave it to your imagination and Google to fill in the missing pieces.

He did have a colorful sock on, though.

I had to chuckle at a couple of Paul's books, and the sign on the wall is pure Groucho, yes?

8:07 MST
8:31 MST
 There was a unique sky event this evening, and since we were in the crystal clear Arizona desert with a minimum of light pollution, we stepped out to enjoy it. The planet Jupiter, the Moon, the Pleiades, and Aldebaran were very close together. My apologies for the dismal pics, but you get the idea of how Jupiter passed by the Moon. It was so cool!  Thank you Uncle Bill for the email this morning telling us of this!

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