Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Visit With Canadians

Today we renewed a friendship with a Canadian couple that we met last year about this time.  Bob and Karen live in Alberta, and travel the US for about 6 months at a time during the winter season.  They have been away from home since November, and have visited Branson MO and several locations in Louisiana and Texas.  They have been "full-timing" for several years, and know all the tricks to extend financial and medical resources as well as living "off the land" with an extensive solar system and a number of tricks to conserve water and provide for disposal of "stuff", so we have been learning from them. We are amazed at how much the "old-timers" are willing to share with us "newbies".

Earlier today we visited the RV Big Tent Show again, and made a significant purchase.  We found a booth selling replacement rv storage compartment locks.  After discussing our options, and doing some research on the background of the company, we purchased a set of locks for our fifth wheel.  They should be delivered in a few days, so we'll report again as we install them.  The new locks replace the standard, universal CH751 locks with a barrel lock with thousands of possible combinations, and should be a good upgrade to our "home"!

The traffic through the Big Tent was light again today, but as we walked from our parking place to the show, we passed this pup crashed in the dirt.  His/her owner was nearby, but I guess the poor pup had just had enough of all the hubbub and decided to take a nap!

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