Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Breakfast with the guys and more Honey-Do's

I was invited to join "the guys" for breakfast this morning.  These 4 retired and former employees of 3M get together every Tuesday for breakfast at the restaurant of the drivers choice. Today it was Jeff's turn to drive and he picked a nice little restaurant in New Richmond, Wisconsin, called "Not Justa Cafe".

We had a great traditional breakfast and shared conversations that ranged from mild politics to RV'ing, and on to how much hair we still had (or not).  A wonderful group of guys, all from the same neighborhood, with similar interests and life goals, getting together to share some quality time.  Good on 'em!

After breakfast we went down the street to a boat dealer to check out a fishing boat for Jeff.  He had a specific type in mind,  which was not available, but we tried to get him to pop for the one in the center of the room, but he figured that 36k was not in his budget...must be the Evinrude motor that did it.

In this pic, Chuck is on the right, Bill in the center, and Byron on the right.  Jeff was still off looking, so he missed the pic.

Bill and I got back to the house at about 11, and started work on our next project: replacing the bi-fold doors on the entry coat closet at his house.  He found some really nice oak doors at Lowes, so we went to get them and went to work. This was another of those short jobs that turned out to be about 3 times longer than we had figured, but in the end, all was well, and the doors are installed and ready to finish.  It's all yours from here on, Bill!

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