Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's the Midwest

Saturday was spent soaking up the flavor of a small mid-western town.  As is common in this part of the country, all the landscaping is green and lush this time of the year, although the locals say it's very dry.  I haven't seen it, and these pix of B&L's back yard don't show any stress!

We took a quick spin around downtown Stillwater, MN, this afternoon to see how it might have changed since we were last here some eleven years ago. Oh Boy, has it changed! One of our favorite memories is of an old sawmill that was a building salvage company.  It was filled with reclaimed and salvaged lumber, windows, hardware and the like from turn of the century homes, and was a long way out of town.  Now it's a retail building surrounded by condos and apartments.

My how things change!

On our trip to "town", we stopped at Menard's, a midwest home improvement store, and at Lowe's to shop for a new ceiling light fixture for Bill and Linda's kitchen.  We didn't find what we wanted at Menard's, but we had some good luck at Lowe's and also checked out this Corvair pickup in the parking lot.

I should say that our shopping at Menards was not successful with regard to the light fixture, but we did  find something just as good, I think.....

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