Monday, August 26, 2013

Hot Night in the City

Uncle Bill was a bit under the weather today, so Donna and I stayed near the RV park, taking care of a few errands while Bill took it easy.  We took a short drive to WalMart (of course), and then to PetSmart for a little grooming for Pris.  She hadn't had her toenails trimmed in a couple of months, so it was definitely time to do it.  We've never been to the grooming shop in PetSmart, so we were pleasantly surprised when Dan was able to take her right in.  He was very gentle with the old dog, clipping and then filing each nail.  He did a super job for a very reasonable price.  Thank you PetSmart! We went to Great Clips next to get a hair tuneup.  Again, we haven't been to one of their shops in forever, and maybe Donna hasn't ever been in, but we took a chance and got a fair haircut for the price.  Not perfect, but adequate, and certainly nothing that our regular hair people back home can't fix whenever we get there...

Our towed, James the Silverado, desperately needed a bath, since he hadn't been washed since we were in Idaho several weeks ago.  We saw a car wash place just down the street from PetSmart, so decided to try it.  Wrong!  If you're ever in the Woodbury, MN area, please think twice or even three times before going to Heppner's Auto Wash if you value the finish on your vehicle.  In spite of reviews that tout "attention to detail", the result we saw was anything but.  A young fellow with a pressure washer held 1/2 inch away from the car, removing bits of decals and 3M Protectant Film is not my idea of attention to detail.

To recover from this less than stellar experience, we stopped at Starbuck's to lick our wounds and enjoy a cup of iced coffee.  This was the first visit to Starbucks in several weeks, and we enjoyed sitting outside and sipping our drinks, in spite of the heat wave we're suffering this week.

The temps in the Twin Cities area was again in record territory today, with a reading of 95 and a heat index of 110 according to the TV news.  In fact, as we were enjoying a bit of dinner with Bill and Linda this evening, the power went out, most likely from thousands of air conditioners humming like the Minnesota state bird (the mosquito, yah, we bite-cha).

The candles were nice, but when the power came back on...

reality set in.  However, any reality that involves Klondike bars can't be all bad!

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