Tuesday, May 3, 2016

South to Ft Myers

Not much happened today, except that the temp and humidity combined to provide a heat index of 99 degrees! We left Homosassa Springs this morning about 10:15 after having a nice chat with our neighbors Steve and Dawn. They are from the Washington, D.C. area, and are in Homosassa Springs to help out with an aging parent. Very nice people. We wish that we had more time to spend with them, but duty calls....

Two hundred eighteen miles south on I-75 brought us to the Shady Acres RV Resort in Ft Myers, Florida. Located on the beach north of Naples and south of Cape Coral, this area is a favorite of snowbirds. As we drove south today, we lost count of the number of motorhomes and rv's that were heading north. Methinks they are smarter than we are because the temps, they are arising. The dash air conditioning has completely given up the ghost, so we drove with the generator on and the roof a/c units cranking! A stop for fuel and a window wash, and we headed into Shady Acres.

Since most of the snowbirds have left, we feel like we're alone in the park!

Our site, 225A, is certainly quiet, and the utilities are more than adequate. The wifi and the cable tv are marginal to unusable, but they may have the systems shut down for the summer season. We're only here for three nights, so we'll manage just fine.

A couple of day trips (weather permitting) and we'll be outta here. The local news is forecasting heavy t-storms and rain for mid-day tomorrow, so that may slow us down a bit, but we'll still manage to visit a couple of the more famous attractions in the area!

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