Friday, May 27, 2016

We Were Looking For Something to Do!

A few days ago, I developed a pain in my chest that made it hard to breath deeply. The condition came and went, so I didn't place too much importance on it, but today we felt that it was time to have a professional assess things.

We talked back and forth about the possibilities, and the various diagnoses, and went from a local "Doc in the Box" approach to a full on Emergency Room Visit. The whole thing was complicated by the need to move to our next stop first thing in the morning, and so I didn't want to put our schedule in danger. Not so much that it wouldn't all work out somehow, but because I didn't want to leave Donna in a strange place with a motorhome and tow vehicle. We subscribe to FMCAssist, a program through Seven Corners, Inc, that will take care of such details if one or both travelers are incapacitated. It is a comforting feeling to know that someone will get the motorhome back to our residence, as well as pets and tow vehicles. But still.....

We finally choose Florida Medical Memorial Hospital a few miles away from our rv park. I guess that Friday mornings are a good time to go to emergency, because we were in Triage inside of 10 minutes, in a treatment room in another 10, with Dr. Young in the room in a total of less than 30 minutes! A bit of blood work, a couple of EKG's and a Chest X-ray were soon completed, and we began our wait for the results.

This hospital is truly a nice medical facility, with new equipment and rooms and staff that is caring and courteous. An hour went by with short visits from a variety of staff, checking and rechecking my condition (or as Willie Nelson would say "Seeing what condition my condition is in..." Soon a registration lady came in, took all the pertinent info, and left. Done in 60 seconds.

At the two hour mark, a nurse came in with discharge papers and a prescription for Norco. The diagnosis? I dunno....The cardiac info was great, the lungs were clear, and nothing showed up on the X-ray. So with Rx in hand, we left, both happy and uncomfortable. We would like to have known the cause of the discomfort, but didn't want it to be something serious. Catch-22.

I've been in touch with my cardiologist "staff" at home, and they will review the tests of todays tests to see if they can see anything. In the meantime, the Norco is doing it's job, so if any of this doesn't make sense, blame it on the drugs!

Just goes to careful what you plan, 'cause either God or the Devil will have something to add to your plans!

I want to applaud our family, because they immediately stepped up and make it clear that they would do anything necessary to help. Fortunately this time they didn't have to do anything, but it's so comforting to know they are there!

Love you all!


  1. Stay strong!
    And no driving Nessie with Norco, ha ha.
    We love you guys.

    1. Thanks, Bob. Hope you are both doing well. Actually, the Norco buzz is kind of enjoyable! But you're right. No driving while under the influence!

  2. So glad you are doing well!

    Jill & Chuck

    1. Thanks, guys. Much better this morning! Maybe it was all just psychological! Hope you are both well and happy!
